Full Moon
Last night Mrs BB said the sky seemed clear. On looking, I could see there was a full moon. Googling the full moon dates, it appears I'm 24 hours late on The Hunters Full moon but I liked it anyway so grabbed a hand held photo.
This year’s Harvest Moon was particularly special because it was also a supermoon, meaning that the full Moon coincides with the night that the Moon is at its closest point to Earth in its monthly orbit.
While the moon may have looked much closer last night than it does usually, November’s supermoon will in fact be the closest of the year.
On November 14 the moon will come 221,524 miles from Earth, the closest the moon has got to our planet this century and the event won’t happen again until November 25 2034!!!!
The next supermoon after that will be December 14.
This afternoon we went for a walk past the Old Welsh Longhouse ruin on the local mountain and then around Machen Quarry (see extra) for the return leg.
Tomorrows Wide Angle Wednesday Tag is 'widwed50'. Any subject but photo's shoukd be taken on the day!
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