
Uh-oh! Yesterday I wrote about skipping all of my student places this year, but the situation has dramatically changed now. Today I got a phone call from the University of Turku and was offered a student place, which - ta-ta-ta-DA - is my original first choice, huh!

So, today's call means that I'm enrolling in a university this autumn!

But why did I change my mind so suddenly? Well, I'll explain. Earlier in July, I got a letter where I was offered three different uni places. Those three places were "General History", "General Literature" and "German Translation and Interpreting". Oh well, I could have chosen any of those three and the last one could have been the strongest one if it had been "the right German" for me.

Simply, there are two different ways of studying university-level German in Finland: philology or translation/interpreting. So yes, my very first personal choice was "German Philology", where I wasn't offered a student place at first - but now I am!

However, somebody could say I'm a pedantic nutpicker (which I sometimes am, honestly), but I'm very strict with my studying: philology studies and translation/interpreting studies aren't the same, and I was rather disappointed when I didn't get to "my right German" first.

All in all, I'm going to enroll in this autumn. That actually doesn't mean I'll be studying very much or in a very focused way, for I still have some other things and plans to do starting in January and before. But hey, I'm a university student after all, and some uppity dandies won't criticise my lack of "status" anymore (though I've never really cared about "status"). ;)

Ps. I hope to get English (and perhaps French) as my secondary subject. :)

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