Texann Times

By Texann

Pumpkin patchwork

The children in my area weren’t in school today.  My wine-selling friend, R, texted me this afternoon to say that another friend and neighbour, J, was having a kids’ pumpkin painting party and it might be a good event for me to get a blip.  (I love that my friends are starting to do blip scouting for me!)  So there I was, ten minutes later, surrounded by 35 very excited children (and their moms/mums) and a lot of acrylic paint and glitter. 

Half of the kids finished their pumpkins in about five minutes and ran off to play on the swings, bob/dook for apples and eat cake.  The other half really took their time creating their masterpieces.  My blip is of R’s youngest daughter, clearly very focused on the balance of her design, ignoring the mayhem going on around her.  And as with all dedicated artists, has tested the paint out first on most of her body and clothes! 

In Extras, I’ve added a collage of some of my favourite pumpkin creations.

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