In the first in (realistically) a serious of blip-bank shots: here's CarbBoy's snake skin. TallGirl has reminded me about the half-a-dead-snake he has in his room, so maybe you can have that another day. If you're really lucky, I may make a series out of his cicada husk collection. (Dusting his room is such a voyage of discovery.)
Very long day today. Morning (5am) airport trip, slightly discombobulated by having just emerged from a dream about having a Spanish class in my childhood bedroom, with pink candle wick bedspread and all.... Later, trying to convince the GardenPhilosopher that I'm not hugely keen on paying him to cut down the brambles in the neighbouring (empty) plot, bank stuff, tax stuff, school stuff, crying with tiredness stuff... And yet here I still am up at 11.
Later, nice chat at basketball with my pal who's had a stomach stapling thing and is looking on top form (and looking forward to chewable food in three weeks) and admiring TallGirl's bromochloroethane (? something like that) molecules. Perhaps I should take photos for her cv so she can get the chemistry- based work experience she wants!
In other news, I believed the mobile phone company person who told me a colleague was definitely going to call me about my problem. They won't call though, will they?
Yesterday is backblipped for anyone interested in an ancient erection.
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