
We got up early and went for breakfast so we could get one of Italy's notoriously punctual trains to go and see David in the museum.

The train was late and the museum was shut!
Sod's Law and all that .................
We couldn't even get into the gardens that gives the famous view over the city (after trudging up the damned hill in the baking heat) - they were removing some art installation using a huge crane ..... with not a hard hat or hi-viz jacket in sight!!!

However, it was a good day out with plenty of culture in the way of rude statues on public display, fine wine, wonderful gelato and jewelry for SWMBO.

On the train back there was a group of Africans up to no good - obviously sizing up pickings to steal (one of them even took a picture of us while pretending not to ............. you can't kid a kidder mate!). Of course there was no staff around when you needed them.

As is usual at the moment, you will have to go HERE to start looking for pictures due to slow connections at this end (you have been warned about rude sculptures)

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