Breakfast at Bill’s

We have got into the habit of starting our long journeys south or north with breakfast, as it means we are then not tempted to buy much else besides coffee at service stations. We are a bit particular though – it has to be freshly and nicely cooked food, have orange juice from real oranges and, of course, good coffee. We have our regular stopping place at the organic cafe on the A66 on the way south and usually go to Carluccio’s in Bluewater on the way home.

Today we went to Bill’s in Sevenoaks. Now to most people Bill’s is obviously well known, but to us Northerners it was a new concept that we discovered yesterday, when our daughter suggested it and we took the grandchildren for Brunch. Very impressed we were and so returned this morning – it was a little quieter at 9am on a Monday morning!! But excellent again.

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