Cloud watching
Day 2 of our Donegal fix and we went to a different beach today. You know that thing about the sun is shining over there and when you go over there, the sun is back where you came from?
It was wet when we woke today but we were assured at breakfast that the sun was coming out. Driving over to the " bright side" the sun was out all the way. Then when we set up on the beach the clouds rolled around us. Some moved pretty quickly but the wind died down and I got my second swim! Whoopee. It was colder than yesterday but fabulous!
We had a lovely scenic drive round the Atlantic drive and had a great dinner before coming back.
However, despite the darkness coming down we once again watched the clouds or I should say one in particular which was pitch black and shaped like a man's face lying with his head tilted back. Fully expected a thunderstorm but it could come yet!
Hope I get time and weather for another swim tomorrow !
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