Keeping up Appearances

It being Edinburgh, and it being Festival time, one must take in some Festival events. Because you are going to be asked, more than once (in fact many more times than once), 'been to much at the festival'? To answer in the negative - well, what does that say about you? It might give an accurate picture of course, but that's by the by. You just know you're going to need to bang a few shows into your itinerary. So, having done one fringy thing last week, tonight is the Official Festival. High-brow. Opens Festival Brochure... skim, skim... A Midsummer's Night Dream. That'll do. Shakespeare, isn't it?

I didn't book it - turns out I'm off to see, or rather hear, Mendelssohn's Overture of the same name. Ach well, it'll probably be quite tuneful - it's got that Wedding March in it somewhere. Or so Wikipedia tells me.

And there's a sporting event during the festival but not part of it. Seems that the local team have drawn Liverpool FC in the Europa Cup. This could be embarrassing. Why don't you ask me about Mendelssohn instead? He wrote Fingal's Cave of course - yes indeed, sailed past it this summer. That's right, oh sorry, not in my boat on this occasion. You didn't know I had a boat? Oh, yes, it's a yacht, but no no, it's a very modest little affair, but no, tell me more about yourself. Those are very lovely earrings.

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