Life through the lens...

By ValC


Meet this gorgeous tiny bundle of fluff called Rupert. Or Roo for short.
Our eldest grandson's new baby Netherland Dwarf rabbit.
He couldn't wait to show it to me when I called round today.
Had to close my eyes, and wondered what trick he was going to play on me, but got a nice surprise.
Although so young it is very tame, and came and sat on my knee. Likes being stroked, and his ears tickling!
His new home is a huge cage which takes up most of R's bedroom.
I'm afraid that Ollie the dog has got his nose pushed out a little.

After a rainy start to the day we had some glorious warm sunshine this afternoon.
I managed to get my Christmas cakes finished, and then went out for a walk.

Now off to watch Poldark. No Victoria tonight I'm afraid.

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