Glorious morning. Mermaid! Who knew?

Wind abated but the waves are still huge. Over to the other side of the peninsula and it is calm as you like, and strangely humid.

Went out last night and cranked the iso up on the old Nikon. I was taking photos in the dark in the teeth of a gale, several minutes exposure! All good fun, I'll post one or two in extras if the upload speed increases from a pixel a minute, they are so bad - wonky windy red wine tripod etc they have come out a bit arty!  (well I have seen worse hanging in galleries).

Any way a day out walking in great weather but it is getting pretty blustery again this evening. Another night sleeping with a life vest on!

I am salt encrusted, I guess that's why sailors are 'old salts''s true! Having great fun though. Too many blips to choose from, and I have only 4 extras left unless I part with hard earned! What a decision!

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