Patches of Blue (Day 523)

The rain stopped as I took the dogs off for their wander up the hill this morning. It seemed a little less chilly than it has been the past few mornings, though that is likely more to do with the lack of wind than anything else.
Back home I set about putting a hole through the wall between the bathroom and the shower room. I won't get into the boring technicalities, but I want the shower room to run off a different cold water supply, and the supply is the other side of a 3 foot thick stone wall. The last time I drilled through the wall it took hours. Today it took about half an hour. Tomorrow I'll organise the pipework. Maybe. I got on with one or two other things before an early lunch and a trip to Wasdale with the dogs. I managed to time it really well, leaving as a heavy shower stopped. The skies were a bit more dramatic than they have been lately and I liked this shot. Even though it is straight into the sun and the foreground is massively underexposed.
The dogs and I are now waiting for the return of my beautiful wife from her 24 hour shift at work.

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