Cigs - an Update.

The board have asked that I make a statement to the shareholders, stakeholders and stall holders about recent events. 

I can confirm that there have been no new Cigs sightings in recent times. Be assured that every effort is being made to unearth any remaining examples of our hero's work. To that end, the net has been cast increasingly widely and just today I have been despatched up the A9 and across the A86 to scour the nation for his work. Sadly, all that was found was a stray Mate at the end of the Fersit road (true story!) but nothing more. 

Any rumours that I am using this opportunity to further my campaign to complete the Munros is completely unfounded and any reports of me climbing hills whilst I should be out looking for Cigs is without any basis in truth. I remain committed to this blip site and will ensure the membership is paid up in the certain knowledge that if other examples of Cigs handiwork are found, I will be there to blip it for. 

I will leave no stone unturned. (Obviously not all the ones in this photo, but - you know...)

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