TWILIGHT........& A Garage Sale

We had a garage sale today.....we finally bit the bullet and got rid of a mountain of stuff.....only another 56 mountains to go.
Jaiya did the front of house work with a couple of her friends...I held the edges and did other stuff...(selling and talking to people just aint my bag).

So tonight we went up the coast for a Thai nosh and a stop off at HP...unfortunately it was a bit late ....and i didn't have my tripod (that bossy boots Jaiya told me to get into the car and not to worry about it......jeez! I should of followed my instincts. As I was standing at the edge...really enjoying the fresh air and the high winds (nearly blew my hair off) the moon came out. Wow!....she was so beautiful...but like I said no tripod...(it may of been too windy even with a tripod anyway)..I took some pics but none good enough to post.
I think this is first time I was actually surprised about yesterday being full moon and I not knowing about it...I think since Ive joined blip I have made it my mission to at least be aware of it to hopefully catch it in its fullness.

Well yes this is a little dark and a bit grainy but the best I could do in the circumstances. 

“Each morning sees some task begun, each evening sees it close; Something attempted, something done, has earned a night's repose.”

- Longfellow

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