Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

The Ark

Photo of Rebecca, but update about Elizabeth...

Elizabeth keeps telling me that my suggestions are "good ideas". I could get a big head.

She had a lengthy conversation with my mum and Robert on the phone.

To grandma:

* When I'm bigger I can eat peanut butter (just peanuts). Does Robert like peanut butter?
* Rebecca's playing with the book, daddy likes to talk (I think she means reading the books aloud). Robert calls daddy Fioona (Fiona). (me: "uncle jeff") Robert calls daddy uncle Jeff.
* Is Robert at your house grandma? Can I speak to Robert?

To Robert:
* Hello Robert. I've been playing outside. Have you been playing outside?
* What have you been doing today? Have you been to the park? Have you been to the twirly wurly park?
* Say something!
* Can you find twinkle little star to Sophie? (his new baby sister)

That's about all I can remember...

Robert was apparently nodding his head at all her questions, hence the "say something".

Her mannerism, body language and facial expressions are wonderful to watch. Her hand waves around in such an authoritative way as she's talking. She's so confident.

Wonderful to watch.

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