Decisions, Decisions

D and I found ourselves home alone this afternoon as Alf was at the Emirates (watching Arsenal win) and Poppy had gone shopping in Cambridge with Daisy then for a sleepover. So, like any other red-blooded couple who find themselves childless on a Saturday afternoon, we did what comes naturally...and took ourselves down to the Linton Camera Club exhibition in the Village Hall. There we bumped into local celebrity and all round good egg, Lindsay who was thinking hard about who to give her 3 votes to. Obviously, there was no doubt in any of our minds that we should vote for mutual pal and blipper, ninjashoe and I also gave a vote to blipper nonpcplod. My final vote was for a chilling image of a pile of shoes taken at Auschwitz. A moving and emotive image.
D and I had invitations to 2 different 50th birthday parties this evening. One in the village and the other 80 miles away. Obviously Alf needed collecting from the station then dropping off at a party a couple of villages away so our social life has taken a back seat and we find ourselves sofa bound with a pizza and Strictly. Poor old D can't even have a glass of wine as he's picking up a gaggle of teenagers at 9.30. 
The joys of parenthood.

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