Keynote accomplished

As anticipated it was a tough gig today. I was invited to present a keynote speech in front an audience that is much better qualified to speak on the conference theme than I will ever be. With this in mind I spoke much more personally and speculatively than is my usual practice. It seemed to go OK, but it was quite difficult to read the audience. Were those who said that it was good just being polite? (If you are interested in what I had to say, I've written up the talk on my blog and linked through to the slides.)

As soon I was off-stage I started to enjoy myself, tweeting my way through the afternoon. The best presentation was the last one. It concerned the content analysis of letters from prisoners with information requests to public library services in New York.

After the formal proceedings I attended a drinks reception for women leaders (where I spoke about the Dangerous Women Project), then I ducked out of dinner arrangements to retreat to my room where I will spend the rest of the evening with Radio 4 and a book.

Exercise today: none.

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