Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Auntie Pink

Auntie Pink is here with Uncle Pink and baby B. They are staying for a few days. We went to Grandma's house for a picnic lunch in the garden. B started to get cross as she was missing out on the party so the mini pinks and I took her for a walk around the garden. Master Pink pointed out the apple tree to her, and the shed, and Miss Pink told her about Grandma's chicken. It was very cute, they already care about their cousin very much.

After our lunch we to the park for a play. Miss Pink played an elaborate and imaginative came about Big Bad Bill the fish who wasn't a very nice fish. We had to chase the fish around the park, past the roundabout and back to the pirate boat. We had to set off a code using the hopscotch numbers and then chase Big Bad Bill all the way to the roundabout before filling up the boat with petrol and oil. Master pink meanwhile was a cat called Bella.

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