
By HareBrain

Art of the chocolatier #2

Mission well and truly accomplished 'being back at work Day 5 of week 2' and what a busy afternoon we've had, well Friday afternoons  were/are always the worst ......  at work.

No time at all to blip except when I had a very quick visit to our local Chocolate shop where N was putting the finishing touches to her choc/nougat drops.  I purchased a box of assorted delights for my colleagues to enjoy next week as a little token of my appreciation of being back in the work family again and a 'thank you' for being patient with me in my new role as a Receptionist!!

I have a busy and exciting weekend ahead so need an early night tonight.  Hope you all have a great weekend too.

A huge thank you to everyone who left such lovely comments, stars and hearts for my 1,500th Blip yesterday. 

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