
By angellightphoto

emerald on gold

...this weekend's visitors have now departed and we have a few days to prepare for the ones that will arrive later in the week.

The weather has taken a turn for the worse, with a return to the wind and rain that has dominated this summer. Looking positively, it didn't rain as much or as heavilly as forecast and there is even some evening sunshine.

This afternoon, I had a meeting about the photography work I am doing for the Wild Purbeck NIA project. Things seem to be moving forward and I am starting to get some details on what, where and when.

On my return, I strolled up to Towsend Quarry, where it is a little more sheltered, to see what was about. Apart from a few bold bees the only insects in flight were flies, the most interesting of which was this Neomyia cornicina. As far as I am aware, it does not have a common name and simply gets lumped in with the green-bottles.

Could this be the beginning of a Diptera series?

"I hope not", I hear Paula say...

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