Group photo
I felt like a wedding photographer taking this picture! Standing on a chair and directing everybody.
This is on the ward at the hospital - Ethiopian and British nurses, patients and their relatives. Sufi's dad is at the front, he has had a big grin on his face all day.
I came home from the hospital at lunchtime today to catch up with all my photo processing. I walked back to the hotel, bought a couple of samosas at the Dandi Cafe for my lunch (4 Birr each - thats 7 for a pound and they are delicious)
A friend in Dumfries has sent me a photo of the front page of our local paper which has an article titled "Aid Pair Flee Crisis". Well not quite :-). D and I haven't fled anywhere, the streets are peaceful and people are friendly. But Facebook has been blocked again :-(
Going out to a traditional restaurant tonight with Ethiopian dancing.
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