
By KimChristie

Walk on the wild side.

Well cycle on the wild side technically.
Yesterday as this is a backblip, was a fun filled day.
Up early for a kayak trip with one of my best friends and then the afternoon was spent with the family. I taught my daughter to cycle at the beginning of the summer but as we have been away for 5 weeks she hasn´t been on a bike in ages and she had never been on a cycle trip. So today was the day. We packed all our kit up, picnic as requested by wee B, swimming kit, beach stuff, the works. Loaded it all in to the bike wagon and off we set. Hubby with the bike wagon which is technically meant for kids, but as there was no room for said kid (little S) she was packed in to the seat on the back of his bike. Me on my bike chauffeuring wee B on her bike (new bike, no stabilisers, hence the big deal!!) The first 10 minutes was filled with "I can´t"s and "I´m going to fall off"s and my patience becoming increasingly frayed (I´m the first to admit that I´m not the most patient of people). In the end it was a case of tough love....ie "get on the big and quit gurning, you will be fine". I ended up running half of the way to the beach beside her until she felt confident enough to let me get on my bike. Hubby had, needless to say, managed to haul the load of kit and 2nd child and steer his own bike and mine all at once. Quite impressive really.
Anyhow, in the end of the day all was well. She ended up with 2 skinned elbows and a scraped up inside knee but she managed to cycle a full 12km. Not bad for her first ever expedition on 2 wheels. Made me very proud.
On the way home we passed a stretch of verge which was just jam-packed with wild flowers. The array of flowers was fabulous and the colours just lovely so I pulled over for a moment and took a few shots. This one is much inspired by the poppy ones Miranda posted, although I think hers are miles better, but I do like the buzzy little chap I managed to capture going about his work!

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