Sunset Trough

Today I felt a lot better - until speaking to my sister on the phone I thought I had just missed a hair appointment. I quickly put the phone down on her and phoned Raj. It wasn't at 11 as I had thought, nor 12 as I vainly  hoped, but 1 O'clock which was even better than I could have hoped for! I phoned my sister back and finished our conversation about Strictly Come Dancing and pests in the garden. I have rats, she has foxes! 
Talking of rats - the little critters found the rat bait bag, dragged it out of the rat bait box, and left it unopened near the chicken coop! They must know it is the chickens pecking up all the spilt bird food leaving none for them! I put it back under the arbour and made a little hole in it to aid their consumption!
More Strictly talk with Raj and then quick stop at the chemist as the cold is leaving my head and heading towards my chest! I was home in time for Nellie of The Woods to call for a coffee. We spoke of death,as you do over a good cup of coffee! Also my experience with the hypnotherapist whom she knows through her past work. I have only just started listening to the CD and must admit I find it annoying! She keeps telling me to imagine things and I can't! Marble steps to a garden with brightly coloured flowers and a fountain that a stream flows from. It's all a bit airy fairy and her words are conjuring up a bad, whimsical Disney scene ! Plus she keeps using the word "lazy" - I take this word negatively and often accuse myself of it, and so keep trying to think of it as in the song "Lazing on a sunny afternoon." Maybe she can do me another CD - I shall ask her in my session tomorrow!
On my way to the allotment in the eve I stopped to take the trees lit up by the slowly sinking sun, and just happened to look through the gate opposite.Finally and quite by chance I found the view of the sun I have been telling myself for ages  I needed to seek out! Not obscured by trees and with something in the foreground! That made me very happy, as did the fact there were no new rat holes on the plot! Hmm , wonder if they hitched a ride with me back  to my house?! 

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