The Long Gulley Pavilion

Today we had an appointment at the Belair Park to inspect the Long Gulley Pavilion. It is kept locked up and has not been used, as far as I could find out, since the early 70s.

It is really a derelict old tin shed that is heritage listed.  As it was in such shocking condition, and would need a minimum of $200,000 spent to repair and refurbish it, there can only be one conclusion. The State Government is short of cash and no way will they spend that sort of money.

Then the question becomes, what would you use it for as there are other similar structures in the park that have been kept in good repair. Such as Karka Pavilion.

Our conclusion or consensus was that it is beyond redemption and should be left to rot away, or better still to be bulldozed, and the area returned to natural bushland.   Some of the Friends of the Park are shown during the inspection.

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