Life as it happens:)

By Bushbaby76


I took this yesterday evening but I had already 'blipped', isn't it the most amazing sight?
It's pretty much Jay's 1st responsive smile that in no way can be related to wind as it was while I was talking to him, and doing all the silly things us parents do to get our babies to smile!! I am thrilled to have caught it on camera xx

Lovely day today, friend round in the morning then off to the local soft play area to (boil) sit and have a good old natter with my (bridesmaid) good friend Faye... While the kids have a good old play all together!! Jay slept the whole time so I felt kinda child free,(no small child sitting on me, asking me for something, feeding on me!!)
Then back home to another friend sitting outside so another quick chat and then a lightening round of housework and cooking tea ready for the husbands return x.

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