The Lover of Unicorns!

I had a VERY long day at work today which was my own fault really as I was trying to save petrol between jobs so decided to sit and wait outside the school of my second family - for 2 and a half hours! But it was a good time to get all my reports and phone calls out the way. Plus I had a surprise visit from Mr W on his motorbike. He was a bit of a drowned rat after the heavens opened just after he set off. He then kindly got in my car and made my seat all soggy!!

He was on his way up to Heathrow to see his Daughter off to New Zealand. I didn't envy him that task after knowing full what what it felt like to wave your Baby off to another country not knowing when you will see them again....I'm just glad my baby will be back soon. But good Luck to Alex. Go follow your dream and make lots of money!!!!

After work, I had arranged to go and see Daughter Number 1 as she had a 'delayed in the post' Belated Birthday present for me. She also cooked me a yummy dinner. We sat and chatted, she cried a bit (she's still suffering a bit from her Anxiety, feels she has lost her Sparkle), laughed a lot, hugged even more and just chilled for the evening putting the world to right. She has asked that I see her at least once a week so I shall try and get over there on my way home from work  every week. See, even at 25, you can still need your Mummy.

But, you are never too old to mess about with Unicorn Stickers are you??!!!!

I was thrilled with my Birthday Present and couldn't stop looking at it, that my friends I shall save for another day!!!!

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