Footprints in the Sand

By JustKeepSwimmin

Dreaded Pink

Once upon a time there was a small store. It was a quaint place with a small yellow m standing proudly outside its doors. Its small size allowed it to use only the freshest of ingredients. However, this soon changed. Decades passed by and the small chain with the fresh meat was replaced with a international corporation run on the efficiency and the bottom line. This produced a pink paste its chicken nuggets used to be made! JKJKJKJK The pink goo just reminded me of pink slime everything else is a lie lol.

This is actually precooked tang yuan that they had us make. They first gave us big lumps of goo and suddenly they barked, in perfect broken TaiChinglish, "Circles Make!!". We toiled (not really) for hours (more like 10 minutes) and finally they cooked them in a big soup. They then did the unthinkable. They actually told us to eat our creations...the same creations that we halfheartedly made with our not so clean hands accompanied by the very very friendly mosquitos and insects that buzzed around us. I then made the mistake of eating it and now I am plagued with the infamous and terrible "unrrhea".


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