Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

And Now For Something Completely Different ...

Quick interruption before I get onto cat news :) My brother, his wife, and baby Mason were all planning on going to the Bolton Fair (local county agriculture fair we've been going to since we were little tykes) on Sunday for noonish. I asked my dear, patient Mr. Badger if we could please go and he agreed, having never been to a fair like this. I was really excited, since I hadn't been in ages and I wanted to show Mr. Badger how cool it was. On our way in (we were late - almost 2pm!), we saw my brother driving off in the opposite direction! They had had enough with the heat, baby, and my SIL hurt her ankle. Too bad we missed them, but we still got to go :D Welp, it was horribly hot, the agricultural part of the fair has been massively downplayed and is mostly just carnival rides and fried food stands (both have their merits, but not the same =\) It was still really fun, since I got to spend lots of time petting me some sheep! (and cows!) And we got to see a tractor lawn mower race (HAH!) and oxen pulling contest - those oxen were even bigger than I remembered as a kid!

I doubt you blippers know this, but I really love sheep :3 My favorite breeds being Shetland and Icelandic - there were only a few Icelandic and they were sort of skittish, but there were piles of lovely, friendly Shetlands! They are the sheep that most feature in today's sheep collage. The only 2 that are not Shetlands is the one on the bottom left and the sheep wearing the hood (he was a complete sweetheart!). Gah, sheep heaven!! I dream of one day having a small little hobby farm with (probably) a flock of Shetlands. ~Swoon~ Mr. Badger liked the sheep too :3 he's pretty alright.

Mezzo kitty update!: After the fair, we headed over to my MIL's house to pick up kitty. I set up her kennel as she watched on, rubbing up against me looking for pets. She didn't know what was about to happen! I cracked open a delicious can of some deluxe seafood dinner and lured her into the kennel. It surprisingly didn't take much coaxing at all! Got her out of the house and we drove over to my parents' house -Mezzo was relatively quiet, considering it was only her second time ever riding in a car. Just a few sad little mews. We let her out in the bathroom at my parents' house so she could stretch for a little bit and meet her possible adopter :3 She was all about getting scritches and was really curious about checking out her surroundings. I take this as a good sign for a cat - much more adaptable than I had imagined she would be. We took off towards home after about an hour and I had kitty (in the kennel) on my lap the whole way home and she barely made a peep. The dogs were in the back and I don't even think they were aware there was a cat in the car ;) Got Mezzo all set up in her swanky bathroom digs and made sure she was comfy, brushed, and had food. She seemed pretty content all things considered. The rest of us all slept in the living room as to not disturb kitty on her first night. We weren't sure if the dogs would discover her kitty smells from under the bathroom door and freak her out (and prevent any of us getting any sleep!) I've opened the bedroom door this morning, and besides some snuffling under the door, they have been uninterested. Let's hope that keeps up! I promise to have a Mezzo blip for today!

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