Tree in Evening Mist

We vacated our holiday campsite and journeyed to Oswestry to see my Dad. Which meant driving through a few torrential rainstorms. On one occasion my wife and I deliberated on whether it was safer to park on the hard shoulder and sit out the storm, or to just carry on driving much more slowly. Since we would have drowned standing outside, I wasn't convinced that sitting inside the car was the safer option, but by the time we finished debating the issue the cloudburst had passed on and I could see where I was going again.

This shot was taken outside my Dad's house, after I had tucked the kids into bed. My Dad said it looked even better earlier, as the sky was catching colours from the setting sun. However, he didn't think to tell me at the time: as if the dirty great DSLR I hauled into his house was not a sufficiently big clue. As my wife kept reminding me, my side of the family was never terribly communicative...

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