What did I see today...?

By DaveR

Back at the Start

I have technically walked the Camino Frances...

Today, in the company of several new pilgrim friends, I reached Astorga, the town where I started the Camino back in 2013 with Owen, Mark, Em and Stef, so I've finally accomplished the full walk over time.

Of course, I'm not planning on stopping, but I am having a rest day here in what has, so far, been one of the greatest adventures I've been on in my life. And it's quite fitting to stop here too as last time we were only in then to start and saw nothing of the place - now I have a day to explore to my heart's content.

At the same time I'm kind of gutted to be stopping, while I'm a day ahead of my usual crowd I've made some new pilgrim friends; Rob, Bill and Michelle from Canada last night, and today Noah (left) and Jans (right) from the Netherlands who walked the 20km from Villavente to Astorga with me today - both awesome walking companions and as experienced with "light rain" as the British pilgrim they accompanied!

Still the journey must go on and me with it, I'm hoping I may catch up to new people on the final road to Santiago, and likewise reconnect with folks now behind me, in either case everyone who I've met has enhanced the Camino for me, so thanks to you all (and that includes the 2013 crowd as well!)

Bonus pic for today - a very damp Plaza Mayor in Astorga this evening!

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