
By Stiffknees


This is Riley.  He is our first charge as "Home from Home" foster carers with the Dogs Trust!  He is quite adorable, very amenable and quiet and seems to be settling in nicely.  He is about 12 years old they think (judging from the number on his chip) and is a Bedlington Terrier cross of some sort.  Crossed with a teddy bear perhaps!

His previous owner was an elderly lady who sadly died recently so he was taken in by the Dogs Trust.  However, he became very stressed in their kennels so they called us on Monday to see if we'd be interested in looking after him until they can re-home him. 

So here he is.  The girls from the Dogs Trust told us today that if we want to keep him permanently, rather than just foster him, then we need to let them know on Monday.  I wonder what we'll decide.....!

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