A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

All over the place

I don't really know where to start with today...I know there has been some random but hopefully when they are all stuck together bits of work.

There was a far too intense games session with the boy of 3 rounds of Boggle, 6 rounds of the numbers bit of countdown and a round of Bananagrams where you can only make 3 or 4 letter words. The last one slightly disintegrated when we realised quite how many vowels that requires you to have.

There was a very long appointment with an electrician where, of course, it turned out that the previous people who had done work had screwed up in some way that required him to sort out. Every single time. All I ask is that just once we have someone come in who talks admiringly about the work of a previous professional. I know, delusional.

There was a ridiculous argument with the pharmacist in Boots as they have put Jackson's repeat prescription on a date in the month rather than the 4 weeks we require. We haven't noticed for the last few months as this has worked out okay. This month it has created a 5 week gap and a potential running out situation. It is not possible to convey here the confusion this caused.

There has been a PTA meeting. I definitely can't convey that here. It is three years since my last one. I am going for a last hurrah before Anna leaves and it is a little strange being the old guy at the party.

There has been movement on planning for Anna's party on Saturday and J's birthday on Monday.

And there have been Jaffa cakes and red wine. And Jools Holland and Chrissie Hynde looking amazing. I would say sounding amazing but my resident expert is convinced she is miming.

I could make a tenuous link to the picture that it is our local pub at the end of our road and so very much not all over the place but the reality is that I was blipless as I walked home from the school meeting.

It is a very fine local though and in another life I will spend more time there. Actually according to Brian Cox and his ilk I probably already am.

Lesley x

EDIT...and I almost forgot to mention the crazy mathematical modelling of Jackson's data Carl is doing. Totally random call out but should anyone have, or know anyone who has, any experience of the Overnight Metyrapone Test we would be very grateful to hear from you.

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