A busy day

Today Ann has been very busy doing 'organising' things. She has sorted out all her clothes and taken a huge bag of stuff that she never wears to the charity shop. I just had to have snooze time while she was doing this.

This afternoon we went to B&Q. Going to B&Q is a bit boring. I had to sit in the car and wait. Sitting in the car and waiting is not much fun for a gorgeous little collie.

Ann has a plan. She always has a plan?! …...............The plan is.................. when we move up to Edinburgh for the winter we are hoping to rent out our house in St Ives to holiday makers wanting a winter break at the seaside, so Ann is desperately trying to make our house 'Health & Safety' friendly. We are now the proud owners of a fire extinguisher and a fire blanket!!!

Anyway after waiting for ages while Ann faffed around in B&Q, I eventually got to go on my walk at Godrevy Beach.

It was a bit windy down on Godrevy Beach.......................... But Ann liked the cloud formation and the reflections in this photo so that's all we've got for you today.

Toodles xx

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