Back Blip - Madonna's and Cupid's

Back to the Santa Maria della Passione.  This church amazes every time I go in for a quick prayer, a bit of reflection or just a small break from the reality of the world outside...

The first thing you always notice when entering is the quality of the light - sunrise, sunset, mid day, dark outside with artificial lights, etc.  Then, there is the space... the openness engulfs you.  Then, the smell.  The smell of old stone churches in Italy that is nearly always the same (if not the stench you sometimes find in Venice due to the pilings underneath...), then the gaze starts to wonder - down the length of the side aisles where you enter, upwards to the arches and into the main aisle, the side cupolas, down to the marble floors, up again to the oil paintings-statues-portraits of saints-reliquaries and so on - ever into finer detail.  Just amazing!

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