
The threatened heavy rain arrived in the night. This morning there were several ponds on my hump-and-hollow lawn. They drained away during the day, even though the rain has kept on falling.

Down on the river flats it was a different story. The little creek that dries up for part of the year has become a broad muddy river. I saw this farmer clearing a logjam that was causing the water to back up and flood his field.

It has been a grim day for the birds. I put out plenty of food for them and they have come to feed looking very bedraggled. The bellbird was particularly wet. The wind is cold and gusty.

While I was sitting on the sofa having my morning cuppa, a movement caught my eye outside the window. I looked up and saw five or six waxeyes huddled together on the vine under the veranda roof. They looked so sweet! I took some photos, but it was too dark and the window wasn't as clear as it could be.

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