...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Clark County Fair!

The Clark County Fair was a BIG deal growing up in Vancouver. Some would say the highlight of the summer. My parents took us every year until we were too cool to go with them...and then we just went with friends.

You can imagine how excited my parents were to take their kids to the fair again...but the best was they got to take their grand kids too! We walked around all the 4-H exhibits, where Miles and Charlotte took in all the animal noises and smells. Then Miles and Charlotte took a ride on the ponies! Charlotte was a natural cowgirl but Miles wasn't so sure. He cried and laughed at the same time but mostly he told us that he was all done. We also ate some great carnival food and watched some dog Olympics. Unfortunately Miles was just a couple inches short to ride any of the little kid rides. Next year buddy!!

Here is Miles holding Mimi's hand and Grandpa C holding Charlotte walking through the fair.

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