
Arvin didn't tell me because he didn't want to worry me, but he had to take Fiona to the Vet's on Friday. She was very ill and they kept her over night and gave her fluids, electrolytes and other meds to bring her back from the brink. She is much better but still very thin and frail. This makes me think that she may be, and I'm sorry for the irreverence of this term but it is the one that comes to my mind, "circling the drain." I really don't mean it quite as strongly as it sounds but it does communicate what I think may be going on. She is, after all, eighteen years and nine months old. She has had a wonderful life. She has been the Queen of The Universe for many years. So if it is time for her to go on to the next plane, I can accept this. And I do think it may be getting close to time. She was very unhappy when she was so sick and this is not what I want for her any longer than necessary. So we will watch and see how she does. I took this photo of her today as she slept. She's been doing a lot of that lately. I spun the camera as I took the photo to give that sense of uncertainty and of the possibility of circling.

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