Eye eye

Sam had an accident at school which involved some silly behaviour and a badminton racket.  

Result: a 1cm cut on his eyelid.  

We went to the 'rapid access clinic' after school (appointment within the hour - very prompt impressive service) no damage to his eye, and so we were advised that the best thing was leave it alone to heal, no stitches and no rubbing it.

Whilst he was there he got a tetanus injection and I got a flu jab which was a disappointing result for Sam who was hoping for an eye patch at the very least!

I have his agreement to post more pics if things get colourful in the next few days.

In other news Ben and Amy have gone out to celebrate their 3rd anniversary.  I expect they would have made a more attractive blip but I didn't get the photo, c'est la vie!

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