Covered !

Even the tree is wrapped up. This house, covered in Virginia Creeper, is in Water Street, Chesterton, a conservation area. As the vine adheres to the walls by it's disks rather than penetrating roots, it does not harm masonry and will keep a building cool in summer, but will need care in removing. First cultivated in 1629, it was brought to Europe from Canada. The  plant has been used for various things but not recognised in the UK or USA. A tincture can be made from the fresh young shoots and bark, the leaves used as poultices or fomentation in glandular enlargements and ulcers. The berries are strongly purgative and emetic and also found useful in treating rheumatic complaints. To me it just makes a pretty picture although it must be quite dark in that house. I suppose it could be one way of avoiding the old window tax !

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