
By hcalibrarian


I spotted these berries on my way up White Hill this morning. I know these as blaeberries and they look very like small blueberries. Needless to say just after the photo was taken, the berries were nowhere to be seen (but they tasted great!).

Here's what Wikipedia says about the different names given to the berries:

Bilberry (especially Vaccinium myrtillus) is known in English by a very wide range of local names. As well as "bilberry", these include blaeberry ( /?ble?b?ri/), whortleberry (/?h?rt?lb?ri/), (ground) hurts, whinberry, winberry, windberry, wimberry, snozzcumber, myrtle blueberry and fraughan. The berries were called black-hearts in 19th century south-western England, according to Thomas Hardy's 1878 novel The Return of the Native. In several other languages its name translates as "blueberry", and this may cause confusion with the related plants more usually known as "blueberry" in English, which are in the separate section Cyanococcus of the Vaccinium genus.

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