Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Buffy and the kitten...

All afternoon the kitten edged closer and closer to old lady Buffy.... Buffy would do a little growl but the kitten would stop and settle down .. after ten minutes she edged closer ... Buffy sighed and turned away .. by the time an hour had gone by the kitten was on Buffys feet and my poor old dog had given up growling and sighing and resigned herself to the fact that the kitten was not going away ... I think perhaps my pooch better get used to this tiny ginger shadow ....
my headache was not much better this morning ... I'd also run out of my heavy duty prescription medication ... so kind Mr W went to the pharmacy and begged them for the very expensive £8 for one tablet next best thing ... luckily they know me .... they don't give them out willy nilly you know ...

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