Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

A walk up Sale Fell

What a fantastic day today.  Did a walk up Sale Fell as haven't been there for a while.  Had a wonderful time there and stopped and chatted to a few people.  Misty was in her element as some children made a fuss of her and threw sticks for her, don't worry she didn't catch any!  Afterwards she met a wonderful collie, smaller than her, younger than her and faster than her.  They played for ages and ages with a few rests in between.  I think it was the running uphill which exhausted her, and then we met the same children again....  There's a couple in extras.

We stopped off at Bassenthwaite afterwards for her to paddle and cool down.  Oh and she got her own way and now has her own Facebook page and is called mistythecollie :)  very original I know.  Just a bit of fun really.

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