Trying To Crochet.

Because I saw some beautiful crochet by a fellow blipper, I thought I'd have another go at trying to learn it.

I've tried before but never got very far.  I couldn't find the book I used to have that showed me how to do the stitches, so I looked on u-tube.

I thought I was doing ok, except I kept losing stitches along the way!  So I went to the library and got some books on crochet.

It was only as I was working my way through them I realised, on u-tube I'd learnt the American way, and the books I had taught the English way.

So now I've got to start all over again!!

Today was quite hot for Spring, about 29c, so I decided not to take Isabella for a walk.  Instead we played in the garden, as it was in shade in the afternoon.

She took all the pegs out of my washing basket, and put them on the window sill.

Later on, when I was cooking dinner, and her mum was here, she took all the potatoes and tins of cat food out of the panty, and put them on a blanket on the floor.

Who needs toys!

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