
By AlrightFlower

Light Night Leeds

Lovely swim again after finishing work late tonight, followed by a quick tootle round a few of the Light Night events on campus.

I'd missed the Chinese university choir, and the light projection onto our new Fine Art building unfortunately hadn't started, so I wandered down to the wool tunnel instead. I was given a light that changed colour as I slid my finger across the top of it and, using it inside the tunnel, I could see different elements of the pattern depending on what colour the light was. Very cool, I want one!

THREAD were nowhere to be seen (too early), so I walked along towards Parkinson Court for the next stop. Along the way were these huge yarn webs, glittering away in the dim twilight.

My last stop was World of Ice and Fire. Not really so much to do with light, other than a few projections on the wall, but so much fun. I was given a medieval character card - forgotten her name already (hope she won't be offended) but she was a poor woman from Wakefield whose 'humour' (folk believed there were four - earth, water, fire and air - and everyone was more inclined to one or the other, but you had to have balance of the four) was water, so she was cold and wet! Each humour had a corner, and you were supposed to figure out how to balance your humours. I didn't do so much of that, but had lovely chats with each of the corner hosts. All very knowledgeable about various aspects of medieval times and enthusiastically happy to impart their knowledge.

Unfortunately I'd run out of car park time by that point, so had to come home (mmm, home, sofa, blanket). I keep promising myself that one year I'll do it properly and make an evening of it, there's so much to see all around town. Maybe next year!


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