A little bit of colour to brighten up the weekend . . . Boro red of course.
Apparently . . . True 1  . . . Durham County Cricket Club have been removed from Division One for next season for financial irregularities . . .  thus enabling a southern-based club to take their place.
Apparently . . . True 2  . . . Tomorrow is the final of the Rugby Super League Cup and it will be the last commentary that the legendary Stevo will make.
Apparently . . . True 3 . . . the best one yet . . . the first ever dog to be taken for a walk 7000 years ago was from Yorkshire ! Ruff !
I have added full details in the notes below for those of you who have nothing better to do with their chill time . . . and I hope you all have a grand weekend ahead !
True 1  . . . Club demoted AND given a 48 point penalty for next season AND prevented from hosting any future test matches AND working under a salary cap. Harsh punishment indeed.
True 2  . . . Mike Stephenson is well known as a Rugby League player for Dewsbury in Yorkshire and Penrith Panthers in Australia. He is also an expert on Flemish Paintings.
True 3 . . . Scientists today proved that a dog walked, with his human owners, from York to Stonehenge 7000 years ago. He ate a dry biscuit and some deer meat and drank a bottle of Yorkshire Bitter ! That must have been one long lead.

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