runny mascara...

stop ain't that funny!?...
(oh yes it is!!..very...)

“i'm crying laughing so much I have mascara running down my face. I'm not even wearing mascara.”
A.G. Howard

(nope...never wear mascara...not in English or Spanish..."moi" completely "au naturel"*... but please don't get any wrong ideas?...see below: only 4 applies here...;-)

*au naturel ‎(not comparable)
1.In the nude: in the naked state.
3.In the plainest or simplest manner.
4.Without makeup and with one's natural hair colour.

¡Mentira! No tengo ni dudas, ni celos,
ni inquietud, ni angustias, ni penas, ni anhelos,
si brilla en mis ojos la humedad del llanto,
es por el esfuerzo de reírme tanto...

Juana de Ibarborou

(warning: don't attempt of google translate's rubbish!...ask me if you need a decent translation...and i hope you appreciate that it took some planning to take this...the angle...the composition...the patterns not forgetting the very apt quote AND poem! you better like it...and say something nice?...)

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