m o s s t r o o p e r

By mosstrooper

Northern Design Centre

This is the new Northern Design Centre on the Gateshead Quayside. I've been watching this building take shape for the past year so when I drove past it today and saw it was almost complete I knew it was going to be my blip for today. I think it's a very striking building but unfortunately I couldn't capture it in its entirety due to the fencing which was still in situ. It looks like I'm going to have to make a return trip to photograph it again once they have been removed.

More about the building can be found here and here.

Mr.B and I went to Noosh for Sunday lunch followed by a spot of retail therapy. Afterwards we called at a friend of ours who has recently moved house. As always it was good to catch up. I'm now off to enjoy a glass or two of red while waiting for the Olympics closing ceremony to begin. I hope you all had pleasant weekend.

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