Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Slater Creek

The creek that runs behind the house we are leasing starts up in the Routt National Forest on one of the higher mountains here but also has many other little streams that flow into it.   The creek follows along the dirt road that goes to the paved highway which is only about a mile from Wyoming.  But before reaching the road, the creek empties into the Little Snake River, which winds around all the way from Utah through Colorado and back up to Wyoming and then back down to Colorado..a snake for sure winding its way through the mountains going where I do not know.   

This photo is near where the creek empties into the Little Snake River just past a one lane bridge about 5 miles from the house.  Some places the creek is deep and full but other places you can hope rocks.   In the spring when the snow melts, this creek will come up out of its banks and be more like a river.   But now, it is a wonderful little creek that burbles and bubbles over the rocks.   There are also some nice trout in the they got there from the mountain I do not know.  I think the creek and river were stocked by the state long ago and the fish have thrived.    Tonight, it is supposed to get down to the low 20's (that would be below 0C!)..I am heading out in the morning to see if there are any "ice flowers" growing along the edges of the water!

Say a prayer for safety for my friends that live in Florida where Hurricane Matthew is bearing down with winds up to 140mph.  My family in South Carolina are mostly out of harms way until Saturday but Florida is already getting some wind and rain.  This is a huge storm and will be very damaging to the US as it already was to Haiti, Cuba and the Bahamas.  

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