
What a long day its been! So much to do before we go away tomorrow including a dentist appointment, cleaning the house to make it look decent for the people coming to live here for a month, taking Jess to her new (temporary ) home with Lizzie and Frank, choir practice and of course a bit of packing.

But first of all I had to go down to New Abbey as the local paper have got all excited about my Facebook page "Humans of Dumfries and Galloway" and the facing Africa exhibition at Abbey Cottage Tearoom and wanted a photo. I tried to take a photo of the photographer but he wasn't having any of it - he said he had "a face made for radio".

I had better luck with Gwyn, who runs Parry Farm Produce in Friars Vennel. He is going to be my "human" tomorrow :-) What a great wee shop!

Now it's late and I need some shuteye - leaving early tomorrow morning...apologies in advance if my comments (and blips) are erratic in the next month or so. There may be wifi and there might not...

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