No fixed address

My shoes currently live in a bucket and I'm between official addresses.

If I was to be arrested for any misdemeanour, such as
indecent exposure
breaking and entering
padding on the hallowed grass
I think my chances of a fair trial would be hampered by being of no fixed address. When I see news stories that describe people as of 'no fixed address' it saddens me that the UK should contain so many people who end up in that predicament involuntarily.

A colleague visiting remarked how homelessness in Cambridge is so striking, which I have written about on here before. With an increasingly divided political ideology in the UK and inadequate funding to tackle grave social inequality, I don't see the situation changing soon. I honestly do not believe that most MPs from the ruling party can look at society and understand that there is an ingrained (often subconscious) superiority complex in their rhetoric and decision making that maintains the status quo of rich and poor and fuels their own belief that poor people have made poor life choices...

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