Surprise On The 10th

The reflection of Beak House and the clouds on the pond at the 4th hole caught my eye this morning; liked the effect created by turning them upside down.

Our playing partner Henri surprised and delighted us later on the 10th tee by announcing that he is getting married in December; he and his partner Trish have been together longer than I (and probably Henri!) can remember and there's never been any hint of a wedding; in fact, Henri also revealed that they actually got engaged on the Millenium New Year's Eve and had finally decided that 16 years was long enough for an engagement!

If he was hoping to distract us from our golf it didn't work as Phil & I both parred the 10th!

Looks like the suit will be getting another outing!

Couldn't let National Poetry Day pass without posting a poem. This sonnet from the official website (
seemed particularly appropriate in the circumstances. I think the down to earth sentiments would appeal to Henri

Bridled Vows
by Ian Duhig

I will be faithful to you, I do vow,
but not until the seas have all run dry
et cetera. Although I mean it now
I’m not a prophet and I will not lie.

To be your perfect wife, I could not swear;
I’ll love, yes; honour (maybe); won’t obey,
but will co-operate if you will care
as much as you are seeming to today.

I’ll do my best to be your better half,
but I don’t have the patience of a saint
and at you, not with you, I’ll sometimes laugh,
and snap too, though I’ll try to show restraint.

We might work out. No blame if we do not.
With all my heart, I think it’s worth a shot

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